
Court proceedings must be electronically recorded. Therefore, silence is a necessity, unless you are a party to the proceeding that is in progress. Disruptive behavior such as talking, laughing, shouting or creating other loud disturbances will not be tolerated. The security officers may remove offenders from the building and the judges may hold violators in contempt of court. Mild-toned conversations may be conducted in lobbies. We strongly discourage bringing young children to court.

Cell Phones & Pagers

Cell phones and pagers are not allowed in the courthouse.

Addressing the Court

Address the judge as “Your Honor” or “Judge.”

Stand when addressing the court. Please advise the judge if you have a disability that would make it difficult.

Only one person at a time may speak during a court proceeding. This ensures greater accuracy in making a record by audio.

Speak clearly and loudly. The large courtrooms absorb sound, making it difficult to hear mumbling and soft spoken voices. Speaking clearly and loudly ensures the judge and court monitor are hearing what is being said.

Address the court either from the counsel table or from the podium. These areas are equipped with microphones. Stepping away from these areas reduces the accuracy of the record.


Be respectful of the judge, the court staff, attorneys and litigants. Maintain a respectful attitude at all times in the court building and in the courtrooms.

Attending Court by Video or Phone